THIS IS AN EXCLUSIVE VIP EVENT We welcome you to join us on this Luxury 14 Day Kemetic Yoga and Detox Retreat in the Sunny Caribbean Island of Jamaica. Tailored to give you an unforgettable experience, this luxurious five star accommodation with idyllic settings, in Discovery Bay will suit you and your private exclusive taste. Learn to walk in heels, take part in Ancient Kemetic Yoga on a private beach, or by the pool, a full range of Healthy Organic foods including vegetarian and vegan dishes, Detoxification programme facilitated by Dr Merlee Harris ND, The Alexander Technique to relive you of neck back and shoulder pain, Private massage at the river at the healing St Thomas Baths day trip out, open bar. Live MUSIC performance by Ma Isheeba and so much more... Please note that flights are not included in the price.Read More